Karen Griggs Leaves Her Digs
by retiring in 2011 

Karen Griggs zags and zigs,
leaves her digs
in the catalog cage,

Cuz she’s done,
cuz that’s it,
cuz she’s through,
cuz she’s reached

the last stage –
Not of life, but of Anglo-American Catalog rules,
Not of joy, but of wrestling so long with the database tools.  

Just perhaps her retiring reflects that she’s aged so maturely
Or perhaps that her pension is squirreled away so securely,
But some colleagues suspect that her leaving (no longer to stay)

Could have something to do with the acronym named RDA?

Mormon history’s a treasured domain where she’s strutted her stuff,
Took no guff while she researched the topics no matter how tough;
But of LCSH and rewinding cassettes, that’s enough.

With a mind that is sharp like a carbon-based Wikipedia,
She’ll be missed when we want fullest access to all of the media.
To which now her retort has to be:  “Well, bye-bye, we’ll be seein’ ya!” 

            By Dick Hacken